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FEATI University High School alumni celebrate one unforgettable night in remembering their high school life!

FEATI University High School (FUHS) is long gone from the modern structure housing the University today but to the hundreds of FEATInianswho had the good fortune of attending a quality high school at FEATI University, high school life will always be worth savoring and remembering.  Thus on February 18, 2012, on a cool and breezy night at One Esplanade, Manila, hundreds of alumni from Class 1959 to 1985 from all around the world, converged to celebrate a grand reunion that was made all the more sentimental with the presence of the high school registrar and other high school officials who, despite their frail state, made sure to celebrate with the kids from yesteryears. It was an exclusive one thousand-peso per plate party that gave the alumni the opportunity to catch up, take pictures, share stories, and show that they can still “boogie, woogie, woogie ‘til they just can’t boogie no more” which meant tons of lively chitchats and hundreds of photos. The alumni showed that it was high school all over again despite a little gray in their hair and a few aches here and there. Joie de vivre was in the air that evening even if there were short surges of sentimentality when Mr. Michael Chiu, President of the FUHS Alumni Association expressed a tinge of sadness for their defunct high school.

 But hopes ran high that somewhere in FEATI University’s future a revival might still come to pass. Mr. Chiu rallied everyone to support FEATI by encouraging them to send their children and grandchildren there. This desire was mirrored by the cascade of messages meant for the alumni’s friends, relatives and associates. That night was indeed an opportune time to launch the 1000 freshmen campaign for FEATI University in AY 2012-2013. The campaign was explained by Ms. Melanie P. Florentino, FEATI U’s Events and Promotions Head. Ms. Florentino’s message was echoed by Dr. Gloria Mateo-Alberto, FEATI U’s EVP for Development and Compliance as she made her rounds getting acquainted with alumni members.

FEATI President Dr.-Ing. Adolfo Jesus R. Gopez, who had a family commitment, made his presence felt through a personally-written message read by Ms. Florentino. He conveyed the sincere appreciation and gratitude of the University administration to the FUHS Alumni Association for their efforts in bringing about this monumental reunion. At the conclusion of his message he exhorted the alumni to promote FEATI University and ensure its continued success by recruiting capable students.
FEATI University, with its updated facilities and qualified faculty, certainly has the room to welcome the thousand freshmen this AY 2012-2103. The enthusiasm and waves of positive emotion on the night of February 18 have set the tone for this milestone achievement.  More importantly it’s a statement on the part of the FEATI alumni that it’s about time for more people enjoy a FEATI education the way they did! (AMD)

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